Bars & Pubs

Welcome to our bars and pubs! Before or during the event, warm up and cool down at the same time with great food and drinks. Cheers!

– Opening hours and accessibility may wary between different events.


What would LIVE be without snacks?? In our kiosks, you’ll find the classics. Sweet, salty, sour, hot or cold.

– Opening hours and accessibility may wary between different events.

Fast food places

Do you want something quick and good to nibble or sip on during the event? This is the place! Of course you can find veggie alternatives too.

– Opening hours and accessibility may wary between different events.


Welcome to one of the longest bars in Sweden, and the biggest restaurant in the arena.

Franks offers everything from classic ”sports food” to fine dining and champagne. Situated on the north shortside with a fantastic view over the arena room.

(Only available for those who have purchased tickets for the Premium areas)